No Drive-Throughs Here!!!

Friday, August 19th, 2011

Today's Passage: John 6: 25-58
Memory Verse: John 6:27

There's something inside of all of us that seems to gravitate towards everything in this realm: the tastes, sounds, sights, touch, and smells of this world.  From the time we're born, we seem to be forever reaching for them to satisfy us.  It's amazing how even an infant knows he or she's no longer automatically getting nourishment from the mother inside the womb; he or she now has to find it.  So we learn to cry until we get that physical sustenance that we seem to crave.

Even in the church, which you'd think would be the last place to see this manifest, just watch our response when we're talking about a spiritual concept.  The heads are nodding, and the eyes are on the speaker, focused on what's being said.  At that very moment, we're being fed the spiritual food mentioned in today's passage.  And yet, something else happens when physical food is mentioned.  Eyes light up, you hear a few hoops and hollers in the sanctuary, and genuine, heartfelt smiles are seen.  What is it about things of this world, like food, that make them so easy to crave?  Why is it so hard to approach spiritual things with the same enthusiasm?

It's the instant gratification, folks.  I thought it was some deep spiritual concept, but not so.   When we think of all the spiritual things we have to have to make this walk a success -- faith, love, hope, peace, joy, righteousness, godliness, etc. -- we can't drive by some brightly-lit building, bark out some instructions at the angels, throw money in, and pull up to a window only to drive away with our spiritual order... or can we?  Actually, it really doesn't work the same way things do when we're experiencing cravings for physical food.  However, the Father uses His own blends of herbs and spices to gently draw our attention to our need for these things in our lives.

It's the sweet aroma of a life surrendered to the Lord that we truly long for.  It's just the whole idea of waiting for our own virtues to be lovingly simmered over time in God's Holy Ghost Crockpot that gets us all impatient.  Just because it's not instant doesn't mean it's not going to be just as satisfying if we're patient enough to allow it to be served with His grace and mercy.  Working up a hearty spiritual appetite yet?  I hope so... because this food doesn't just pass through your system and leave without a trace.  It attaches itself to your life, and others can then smell that same aroma that drew you when your life was a mess without Christ.  We just have to be willing to wait a little while longer.  Remember, there are NO drive-throughs in the kingdom!      

Prayer: Father, even as we make our way through this world with its appetites and tastes, we desire You.  We long to receive the infilling and indwelling of Your Spirit, keeping us from craving the things of this world.  Your Son Jesus promises that He is the Bread of Life, and that whoever comes to Him will never hunger nor thirst.  May His Bread fill us, and overflow into the lives of others forever.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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