The Dual Nature of Peace

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 10: 16-42
Memory Verses: Matt. 10: 34-36

There are two sides to this idea called peace that we don't talk about often. Just like with freedom, peace is obtained by literally doing the opposite: engaging in warfare. It's interesting how from the time He was born, the Prince of Peace Himself was surrounded by violence. His parents spent the first three years of His life fleeing from murderers who wanted to destroy Him so that the prophecy would not be fulfilled.

Even when He became a grown man, everywhere Jesus went was not peaceful. As a matter of fact, about the only time He experienced peace was when He stole away to spend time with His Father. Other times were filled with loud outbursts, fiery arguments and angry crowds. For the sake of the gospel of peace, God already told us in His Word that the kingdom of heaven must suffer violence due to the principalities and powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places that surround us.

With this in mind, what's our attitude to be? Do we just sit idly by and meekly accept the persecution that is thrown at us like tornados on a daily basis? The Antichrist spirit entered into the world from Jesus' birth, doing its best to stamp out the message of salvation. So what do WE do? We, who are called to fight the good fight of faith? Do we play the role of the sheep that are silent when they go to the slaughter, just like Jesus did, or do we refuse to accept the stereotype we've been given of weak, spineless and ineffective people who make no impact on this world?

We look to the Word and hear with our spirits what The Spirit is saying to the church today. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Walk in peace by not being the source of strife and confusion. Let us not be the ones spreading slander and self-righteous judgment on others to make ourselves feel more secure. Instead, we must be CONSUMED with the message of the gospel of peace, sharing God's love wherever we go. But when that antiChrist spirit rears its ugly head, we must be alert to it, recognizing the violence as the enemy's way of trying to bully us into running and hiding. But the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, stopping any attempts from the enemy to bring a negative witness against His kingdom. So if you're confused about the dual nature of peace, just remember: we WALK in peace with God and man, but we wage war against the enemies of God and man, no matter what form they may take.

Prayer: Father, Your Word says You teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight. This does not mean You are NOT a God of peace. On the other hand, You are calling us to defeat the spirit of this age which would have us all bound so that we won't draw others to Christ. Please arise in us that we may walk in peace with one another even while destroying the works of the kingdom Of darkness. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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