Don't Panic---Praise!!!

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Today's Passage>> 2 Chronicles 20: 1-30
memory Verse>> 2 Chronicles 20:15

Picture this: you're going about your day, minding your own business as usual, when the phone rings. Normally, you wouldn't pay attention to the sound of the ringing, but today there's something different. Something inside you tenses even as you answer, because somehow you know this is not an ordinary call. When you finally bring yourself to answer it, you understand what the apprehension was about. It was the enemy attempting to fill you with panic and fear before you even got the news.

We all have received devastating news at one time or other that catches us off guard. I'm sure when King Jehoshaphat found out he was being forced to go to a battle for which he was extremely unprepared, his first instinct was to panic. But he did something that we can all learn a great deal from. He called his brethren, and they all decided to pray and seek the Lord. In the place of prayer, praise began to arise. Before long, God had received the sacrifice, and it was an acceptable one because it came from humble hearts that knew they could do nothing or turn to anyone else.

Today's passage reminds us that, unlike those in the world, we have something that we can use to translate us straight into the presence of our God. We have our praise. If you never knew this before, know this from here on out: our Father loves to hear praise. He loves to hear that we know HE is the only way, and that we're depending on no-one else but Him. And here's the other thing: when we're obedient to reach out to Him in prayer and praise, His ministering spirits respond to His command, and they are able to defeat the demonic forces that have lined themselves up against us.

This is the primary reason the enemy doesn't want you in all- out praise. He wants you in a state of panic and fear that ties the hands of the angelic host who fight for us. Why do you think, in moments of distress and bad reports, it takes everything we have have to press through and begin to give God praise? Because it's the enemy 's design. So what should our response be when faced with these unspeakable things? DON't be afraid. Don't panic. For the battle is not yours. I encourage you to get to the place where you begin to make praise as natural in your life as breathing. Whenever you're tempted to break down in fear, remember WHO your God really is. Watch Him open --and close-- doors in our lives.

Prayer: Father, You've never failed me yet, but already have an open door of escape out of every trap. Today, I say with Your creation that You ARE God in Whose Presence we stand whenever we need You. Thank You for the victory over every evil force. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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