Contentment in Sickness

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 12:10

We're taught to speak faith no matter the situation.  We're encouraged to believe that we need to take the Bible as the actual Word of God, and TAKE Him at His Word.  While this is true, though, we see so many people who endure serious illnesses.  Many of those people are believers who have not compromised in one way or another.  Does this mean that God gave them His promises for healing, then changed His mind about what He meant for His children to have access to?

Today's passage tells us that no, God is not schizophrenic.  He does, however, have a specific plan for us that involves us having to put up with things that others don't have to.  What Paul experienced in his body was obviously something serious enough for him to ask God to take it away several times.  If we look closely, we'll see that his situation was not uncommon.  Maybe for some people, God would require that they live in a country where persecution of believers is common.  For others, a life of having to give up the ones they love the most might be the price they have to pay -- a child called home at an early age, a spouse, or a parent.  

When things of that nature occur, we somehow know that, since the particular circumstance is beyond our control, we must yield to God's will.  Yet, for some reason, when it comes to illness, we don't want to admit that the same God may choose to take us through a season of total dependence on Him as well so that He can be glorified in the testimony that we will be able to share with others.  This makes it no easier when we have to endure physical pain.

Nevertheless, God assures us that we CAN go through even this because He's extending His great grace to us.  He does expect us to be content in such a state for the simple fact that He has chosen us to go through a season where we are one with Christ in the fellowship of His sufferings.  He, Who could heal us at any time, asks us to endure sickness for whatever season so that He can use it for His glory.  Is it going to be easy?  No, for then we couldn't give Him credit for any of it.  When we're at our weakest, He promises to make His strength perfect in us.  If you don't think this state of contentment is possible, or that it brings Him glory, just ask the people on our praise team at ALM who  recently endured therapy after brain aneurisms and various types of cancer... And came out on the other side.

Prayer:  Father, You are the all-wise God Who sees beyond what we can and decides what He wants us to endure for the sake of Your Son, Jesus.  When we look at His cross, we see that ours is small in comparison.  Yet, You count us worthy to represent You in this way.  May every ounce of glory You intended through this suffering be given to You.  And may Your children walk in a place of contentment even in sickness, knowing that Your grace is sufficient through it all.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen. 

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