The Case for the Judgment

Monday, May 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Revelation chapters 19 & 20
Memory Verse(s): Rev. 20: 11 & 12

Ever wonder why holidays in every other religion are celebrated exactly the way they originated?  Over the years, no Santas and trees or bunnies and eggs have replaced the traditions of any other faith.  And yet, this phenomenon has occurred in the Christian faith.  And not only that, but laws are being written as we speak to prevent anyone in the public sector from hearing about the Jesus of the Bible.  Strange?  Definitely.

But if you look a little closer, especially after reading today's passage, you'll see that these events have been very cleverly orchestrated by the Antichrist spirit that has been released on the earth.  First, the enemy has spent a great deal of resources to block Christianity from our schools.  Why?  Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  So that young people can somehow live without hearing about this God Who loves them so much that He would give His only Son as a sacrifice for them.

And why is this important?  Because if people don't know about the love of God, they will have a very hard time accepting the judgment of God which is seen in this passage. And so, the campaign to block this message from being spread in public settings has been very powerful. The true message of Christmas and Easter has very cleverly been overshadowed by other symbols for this purpose.  Second, the spirit of deception has been introduced concerning the Great White Throne Judgment so that the spirit of conviction would not take over those who hear about it.

But no matter what method they use, they will not be able to shut out or lessen the power of the love of God, which is seen in His entire plan of salvation.  If I were the enemy, I would want to do the same so that I wouldn't be exposed.  I therefore implore those who've been told Jesus is simply a myth: hear the truth.  The devil had tricked us into disobeying God, but He found a way (before we even failed Him) to bring deliverance to us.  As a result of the huge sacrifice He made,  He asks all of us to choose good rather than evil.  One day, He's coming back to judge all those who've made this choice, as well as Satan himself for deceiving us.  And we shall live forever with Him.

Prayer: Father, I believe that You are coming again.  For me, it doesn't have to be in the form of scientific evidence.  Your love lives inside me.  My prayer is that I will spread the truth about this love all my days.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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