The God Kind of Faith

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Today's Passage: Mark 11: 12-33
Memory Verse(s): Mk. 11:22-24

We see it everyday. Children witness their parents destroy their lives with alcohol and vow never to touch a drop of the stuff. A young girl coming from a home of abuse no doubt grows up with no intentions of allowing it to ever come near her again. And yet, despite their attempts to get away from it, they end up walking in that same path. How can this be?

Jesus gives us the key in today's passage. It's called faith. Not only did He tell His disciples,"Have faith IN God, but He was also saying, "Have the God- kind of faith", or the same kind of faith that God used to create everything that we see, and even that which we do not see. How was Jesus able to speak to a tree and cause it to wither and die? Because faith can be used for negative as well as positive things. Jesus was teaching His disciples about a spiritual principle that so many miss.

It's true that the power of life and death are in the tongue. But it's mostly because of the faith behind the words we speak. Whatever we're speaking over ourselves and those we love, that is exactly what will come to pass. Inside of each and every person who breathes air is this same anointing to transform everything around us... By faith in our declarations. If Jesus could cause an innocent tree to wither and die, how much more have we done the same?

I believe that we can all begin to see a turnaround in our homes, our finances, and most of all our relationships with God. Everytime we speak, we're praying. So the next time you open your mouth, be very careful what you say. Words spoken with passion are a sure sign of our faith in God. So not only should this earth realm be filled with the greatest manifestation of God's will (since we love Him and live in His image), but the kingdom of darkness should also be void and bankrupt-- cursed and incapable of operating because of our words. But we must have the God kind of faith, and keep our hearts from strife. We will see ANY mountain removed.

Prayer: Father, thank You for making every promise available to me through Your Son. I walk under the conditions, and declare that my children's children will love, honor and obey Your Will. I vow to reverence and bring glory to Your Name every day of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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