One Love!

Saturday May 21, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 John 4:7-21
Memory Verse: 1 John 4:19

C'mon, just pick one already!  That's the feeling I had one day while behind this kid at Dairy Queen.  I know I need to do better when it comes to patience, but that's another devotional.  This devotional is about this 'flavor of the week' mentality we have when it comes to love.  God's word tells us exactly what love is in 1 Corinthians 13, but we keep trying to redefine it.  See, love is not the flavor of the week.  It's the character over a lifetime. 

Our scripture reference today describes God's love.  It also tells us He wants us to move away from our situational love, and come into agreement with the way He demonstrated it.  That being said, should we love those who mistreat us?  He does.  Should we love those who don't love us?  He does.  And should we love those who don't love Him?  Again, He does.  And just HOW do we love?  I've heard some say love is an action word, but how do you DO it?   First, we have to be patient.  "My" definition of patience is waiting with mercy until the right thing happens.  Then you rejoice over that right thing.  For example, remember when your child began to experiment with walking?  The process was funny, scary, and rewarding all at the same time.  In that however, you didn't give up on, or punish your baby the first time they attempted and failed.  You were "patient".  In fact, you even rejoiced with them in their failure by physically picking them up.  As long as they made attempts to get it right, you were good.  Then, it happened.  One step led to another, then another, and then another.  What a moment!  Let's get the camera!  When it finally happened the right way, you didn't hesitate to FORGET ALL THE FAILED ATTEMPTS, and rejoice over the successful one.  That's how patience works.    Someone may have mistreated you.  But, have patience.  See it as another failed attempt.  Go "pick them up", and be encouraged that they'll get it right one day.  And when they do, you'll be there to rejoice with them.  Seocond, we have to go from being "needy", to being "need-meeters".  I've got a riddle for you:  If the love in all of us filled the needs of all of us, who would be in need, and who wouldn't be in love? 

In conclusion, we can't fool God with conterfeit love.  The kid at Dairy Queen knew what he wanted.  That's why he balked at his mother's attempts to sell him on the "other" flavors.  God knows what He wants.  Therefore, He, like the kid, is unmoved by love that's not pure.  He knows we can't love Him if we don't love each other.  And, He knows we can't love Him if we're not keeping His commandments.  You wouldn't feel loved by someone who constantly disobeyed you either (ouch!).  So, let's get passed all the failed attempts and put some genuine steps toward love together.  You can do it.  And what you can't seem to do, the Holy Spirit will be your guide, if you yield to His voice and direction.  God bless..... 

Prayer:  I love You, forever; with all my heart.  I love You, forever.  Forever You're my King!
             I'll serve You, forever; with all my heart.  I'll serve You forever.  Forever You're my King!
             I'll praise You, forever; with all my heart.  I'll praise You forever. Forever You're my King!
             You are so awesome, God.  And we love Jesus' name. Amen!


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