Submission: God's Recipe for Order and Blessings

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Today's Passage: Ephesians chapter 5
Memory Verses: Eph. 5: 22-23

Bishop Ray always taught us to look at the context of a passage in the Word, as there is always a foundation that God sets for the commands given to us on how we should live. If the Word tells us to do or be something, there will be an explanation or admonition beginning with the word "therefore". He would say, "If you ever see the word THEREFORE, you need to ask the question, 'what is it THERE FOR?" It would make us laugh whenever we would read the Word together, but that stuck with me.

In today's passage, I started out just reading the verses given about submission, then was led by the Holy Spirit to go back to the beginning and see the foundation of the command to submit. As I read, it all seemed relevant to me as a believer, but nothing really clicked until I got to verses 15-17. I noticed that the command based on all the things that came before was to walk... not as fools, but as wise, REDEEMING the time because the days are evil. Again, we are admonished to not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Therefore, because God has a plan for everything, which usually involves keeping the enemy defeated in our lives if we will only obey without asking why, as wives we are to submit to our husbands JUST as we would if the Lord were standing right there, asking us to do something. After all, God made them the head, the covering, the "house band", the ones who protect us from the grasp and traps of the evil one.

But we must be aware of the contrary image the world gives us of submission. It is portrayed in movies and popular songs as a derogatory and demeaning thing imposed on women by the church so that we might not be independent and free to be whoever we want to be. Yes, many walk in error by misusing and abusing their authority as husbands. But God has not made a mistake in providing this safe haven for the godly wife. That's why He warns us not to be foolish in allowing ourselves to be swayed by what the world says and does. There is protection, love, and blessings in submitting to God's Word by submitting to our husbands. When God's order is established in our homes, the enemy is defeated. Who wouldn't want that?

Prayer: Father, many times I have ignored Your command to submit as a godly wife, doing exactly the opposite of what Your Word said because of my own rebellion and foolishness. But when I found myself on my own and outside of the covering You were trying to provide for me, I slowly realized how important it was to change my mindset. I now renounce every ounce of the world's influence over my role as a godly wife and my submission. I repent of, and fall completely out of agreement with, the world's ways in this matter, which only brings anarchy and destruction to my family. I grab hold of Your command to be submissive, and open myself up to receive every blessing and favor that You intended when You established this command. May You be glorified in my home, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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