Justice: The Right Call!

Thursday May 26, 2011

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 21 & 22
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 22:17

Usually, I don't let things that happen at work get to me.  I pride myself on remaining balanced, knowing that ugly things can be said or done at the drop of a hat.  But something happened the other day that got to me.  The event was literally a travesty of justice.  I tried not to be upset about it, but I just couldn't let it go.

How does God feel about justice?  How should we feel about it?  Jeremiah 22:17 says "But you're blind and brainless.  All you think about is yourself, taking advantage of the weak, bulldozing your way, bullying victims".  According to God's word, we should be moved by injustice.  It should bother us to know that children in our neighborhoods go hungry.  It should matter to us that people are broken and neglected.  God's people need justice.  Back in the day, people used to say 'God doesn't need policemen' when they feel like they're being judged.  In that aspect, they're right.  However, God does need social workers.  He does need people who have the heart to meet the needs of other people.  What about those being beat up spiritually?  Where's the justice for them?  Someone needs to praying, serving, nurturing, and supporting them.  In today's text, God was angry with His people because they had turned away from His statutes.  They took advantage of each other, and ignored Him.  So, He sent Jeremiah to rebuke them.  He wanted to remind them of how much He loved justice.  Because of justice, they were no longer in Egypt.  Because of justice, they were fed in the desert.  And because of justice, they were victorious in many battles.  What is the evidence of God's justice in your life?  In what ways has He been there for you?  I'm sure your answer is similar to many others.  What makes me so sure?  I'm sure because God is the God of justice.  And not only that, He wants us to bring justice to someone's life, just as He brought it to ours.  God bless you...Have a great day!

Prayer:  Father I thank You for having compassion.  You could have left me to die in my sin, but Your love wouldn't allow it.  The enemy of my soul had proved my guilt, and he was ready to assign my punishment.  But, You brought justice by way of the blood of Jesus.  I'm so thankful.  Now, I want to share that love with my neighbors.  Let me bring justice to them, so that You can recieve the glory....in Jesus' name. Amen          

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