We Love Our Pastors!!!

Friday May 27, 2011

Today's Passage:  Jeremiah 23
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 23:1

Geez!  I used to hear all these people talk about their ambitions to pastor a church and think "Cool".  You know how it is.  You walk into a beautiful sanctuary where the energy is flowing, the praise team and band are hittin', and everything is right.  Then you look over and see the Pastors.  From where you're sitting, it looks like they're glowing.  They're clean cut, well dressed, and looking every bit the part of spiritual leaders.  And for just a moment you think "I can do that".

Hey, snap out of it!  Don't let the smooth look fool you.  A lot of blood, sweat, and tears (yes, many tears), have gone into what you see.  Pastors have hard jobs.  They have all the responsibilty of church members, with the extra job of leadership.  On top of that, they are the only people in the church with the responsibility of communicating what God has spoken.  You got  a headache today?  They do too.  You need a vacation?  So do they.  Oh, here's a good one.  You want to miss church because the finances are low?  Theirs was tapped out a week ago.  But yet, they press on.  Subsequently, the accountability in pastoring is a huge undertaking in itself.  It's not always easy to live in a glass house.  Every mishap is placed on frontstreet for everybody's judgement.  Then, like today's passage describes, the accountability to God is huge.  God says in Jeremiah 23:1 "Doom to the shepherd leaders who butcher and scatter my sheep".  Whoa!  And you think you have to watch what you say.  God holds Pastors accountable for every thing they do.  They can't just grab a mic and say what they want.  Being a pastor is similar to being a parent.  Parents have to guard their tongues.  They can't (or they shouldn't) say whatever they want, even if it's warranted.  Also, being a role model is the norm.  A parent has to be able to demonstrate the life skills they teach a child, so should a pastor when it comes to his/her members.  No matter what they do, God is watching.  No matter what they say, God is listening.

Now before you go off thinking you got it made, remember to watch yourself around these people.  They deserve the utmost respect and honor.  God's word says "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel".  That verse means pastors (or shepherds) have His heart, and He's got their backs.  How do I know?  I know because God warned us to "Touch not His anointed, and do His prophet no harm".  So think about it before getting on that phone and bad-mouthing your Pastor.  Think again if you want to call a meeting to talk about them behind their backs.  And rebellion?  Don't even think about that.  Take it from me, submission is the only way.

In conclusion, pray for your Pastor(s).  Ask God to empower them to carry on the vision He placed in them.  Understand that they go through the same things we do, but they still show up to serve us.  Therefore, we should show up to appreciate them.  Don't take advantage of who they are.  They are the very voice of God in our lives.  Support your ministry through time, service, and financial giving.  That's very important as well.  Always remember you are there to serve and grow, not to look over their shoulders.  They don't need you to do that.  Afterall, according to Jeremiah 23, God's doing that quite well don't you think?

Prayer:  Father, I thank You for everything You've done for me.  Today, I'm thankful for my Pastors.  Bless them today in a special way.  Strengthen them with Your mighty hand and rebuke the devourer from off their lives.  Call us into submission so we can hear from You.  We love them and love You....in Jesus' name. Amen.        

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