The Topsy-Turvy Kingdom

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: John 12: 20-50
Memory Verse(s):John 12:24

No matter how many times I ponder it, I just can't seem to come to grips with how topsy-turvy the kingdom of Light is from the kingdom of darkness. Everything works the exact opposite. If you want to receive, you must give-- and not grudgingly, but out of the depths and fulness of your heart. If you plan on being great, you must serve first. In the same manner, if you want to live fully and abundantly, you must die. Jesus explained to His disciples that self-denial and the killing of our personal desires has to be in operation in our lives before we can truly see the purpose of God unfold.

I guess that's why it's so easy for some to reject the Gospel-- even those who once believed it and did all within their power to walk it out. The enemy plays on the temporary nature of the world we live in as well as the things around us. He does a very good job of distracting us with earthly possessions. If we are not careful to wrap ourselves in the whole armor with constant prayer and a renewing of our minds in the Word, we will be deceived into only setting our sights on goals we can see.

We'll always be pressing towards that mark of more money to get the bigger house and the nicer car-- just like the world. The problem with not following the rules of the kingdom is a very simple one. If we become too afraid of dying and choose instead to hold onto our lives, WE'RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY. Nothing we run after will last. It will disappear like smoke right before our eyes, and fill us with an emptiness that no earthly treasure can satisfy, no matter how beautiful. This is part of the "fine print" in the devil's contract that he doesn't share with us until it's too late.

As we pray over ourselves today, I challenge us to remember to declare that EVERYTHING God intended for us to produce is coming to pass. Ler us strive to be more like Christ in that He knew His Father was requiring Him to suffer and die, but He was still determined to carry it out because of the multitude of fruit that would be produced AFTER His death. If we only knew how many other believers were coming after us to carry on this great destiny, we wouldn't waste time worrying over what we're going to lose. So you see, our Father's topsy-turvey plan to accomplish His will on this earth seems crazy... But it's the most brilliant answer to the enemy's schemes. Partner with the Potter. You will never be disappointed.

Prayer: Father, I choose to lay down my life in order to see fruit produced in me. I am no longer afraid of what I might lose in this sad, temporary world -- not even my life. After all, Jesus' death insures that I will live forever anyway. I love the win-win situation Your Son has placed me in. May I spend the rest of my days showing You exactly how grateful I am. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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