The Power of Prayer and Fasting

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 4: 1-11
Memory Verse: Matt. 4: 10-11 

Today is Friday the 13th.  It is a day that many people will stop the regular pattern of their everyday lives and stay home out of fear that something evil will occur.  The number 13 is associated with so much crippling fear that is widely shared by American society, that today's topic is necessary.  The general population seems to put more stock into superstitious tales and urban legends than in the Word of God, which tells about a God Who has nothing but love for His creation.  The enemy has woven a spell of mysticism and fear in everything except the God of the Universe over our nation.

So what could possibly be done to reverse this problem?  How can a nation, which has forsaken the Truth for things that bring nothing but curses and death, ever be turned to the Truth again?  The answer is found in prayer and fasting.  Jesus Himself, our Role Model for life as God intended in the kingdom, showed us how to walk in supernatural power.  In order to fight against and overcome forces of evil, we must be willing to deny our flesh.

A question that occurred to me while reading this passage was this: why did Jesus, Who was in all ways God as well as man, need to spend so many days in prayer and fasting before going into His ministry?  A powerful man of God by the name of Mahesh Chavda, author of the book "The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting", explains why in his book.  Jesus was modeling that first, we need to nullify and reduce the power of our own flesh to be used AGAINST us by causing us to obey the voice of the enemy rather than God, as we see in the passage.  Secondly, we need the POWER of the Spirit to operate in us for an extended time.    

Once and for all, God is calling us to understand that He has equipped us with what we need to stand against the forces of darkness.  Combining fasting with prayer will train us to walk in power to discern what God needs of us in these last days.  And not only that, but it will silence the voice of the enemy in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods, and open the windows of heaven with signs and wonders following-- just like it did with Jesus.  I'm ready to see God's power manifested in such a way that His glory truly covers the earth.

Prayer: Father, I immediately realize how short I've fallen of Your glory in this area.  Many times, I've looked after my own desires rather than Yours, when You've been calling me all along to submit to You so that You can give me more power.  I now ask that You will fill me with the desire to please You and humble myself through prayer and fasting that Your glory and power may flow through me like a river.  May I yield to You completely, and see the enemy destroyed. In Jesus' powerful Name, Amen.

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