The Master Gardener!

Sunday May 22, 2011

Today's Passage: John 15
Memory Verse: John 15:5

Okay, these guys must make big money to keep these bushes and shrubs looking this way.  I wish I could give you a glimpse of the meticulous approach they are using to make a $5 bush look good.  Me?  I'd just cut it off at the top and be done with it.

Thank God for not being me, right?  Anyway, this landscaping thing is kind of the focus for today's devotional, so I'll just go with it.  Jesus said "I am the Vine, and my Father is the Gardener.  Those who refuse to stay attached to Me, He'll cut off.  And those who remain attached to Me, He'll prune back so they can produce".  God is prone to spiritual yard work.  So, if you wonder why you're in a season where you feel "cut-off", check your "Vine status".  God wants you to produce after Him.  Your fruit should be rich and ripe for His picking.  When someone is in need of Him, they should be able to access Him through your fruit.  It should nourish them with the sweetness of His Word.  That sweetness makes them want more and more.  However, if your fruit is bittered by unforgiveness, disobedience, and selfishness, they either will refuse to take another bite, or you'll reproduce that bitterness in their fruit.   That's when God'll have to prune you back a bit.  You may be in a place where new nourishment is needed.  I mean, you're attached to the Vine, but you're starting to wilt under the pressure.  Let God cut you back to where He first nourished you.  You need to get back to that "sapling" faith where you believed Him for EVERYTHING.  He loved it when you were like that.  So, stay attched to the Vine.  You'll never accomplish anything by being disconnected.  You'll just be like those live Christmas trees, pretty from the outside, but dying inside everyday.  Be rooted and grounded in His love.  That way, His life will become your life, and His work will become your reward. 

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your love and grace.  I'm amazed at how detailed You are in caring for me.  As I enter into worship today, meet me at the point of love.  Take lead of me and give me a glimpse of Your glory.  I can't wait to see You today.  You'll here my praise and see my worship for Jesus' name. Amen. 

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