Where Our Help Comes From

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Today's Passage:Psalm 139:1-13
Memory Verse: Psalm 121:1-2

I remember the day in July of 1993 that I made the journey from Senegal, West Africa to the U.S for college.  I had flown so many hours (the flight would last roughly 18 in all because we made a layover in France).  As thoughts of uncertainty about the future --not to mention fear of whether our plane would even make the touchdown safely-- threatened to consume me,I flipped through the Psalms until I was led to this passage.

Peace that could only come from the Father immediately flooded my soul.  I knew at once that not only was He in control of my destiny, but He also had the last say concerning when my life would end.  Just like the psalmist in this passage, God is aware of every move we make.  There is nothing we're thinking, or planning to do, that He hasn't already discerned way ahead of time.  Now, I know this may make you want to go down the road of wondering why God doesn't stop some of the mistakes we make if He knows what's in our hearts.  But we've got to remember that He doesn't mess with our free will, although His permissive will still allows only that which would not completely destroy us.

As the curtain on this year comes to a close, may all your thoughts of uncertainty that might be lingering about your future be replaced by the fact that He Who keeps you neither slumbers nor sleeps.  All your help comes from Him, and you can depend on Him to bring you into every promise.  Keep your head up this year-- look for God's hand in every area of your life, and watch Him move mountains on your behalf this new year.

Prayer: Thank You Father, for reminding us that although circumstances tend to make us feel helpless, in You we have the peace of knowing that You are all the help we need day in and day out.  May we never spend another day wondering where our help will come from.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

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