Silly Rabbit.....

Thursday December 9, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew 25:1-13
Memory Verse: Matthew 24:36

I woke up yesterday morning with the words "you can't fool Me" resonating in my spirit.  I was convinced it was the Lord, so I said to myself, "Fool You God, never"!  But so often we try to fool Him.  It amazes me how many of us think He doesn't see our secret habits, or know our innermost thoughts.  There are things we know or have done that could never be put to words, but God knows about them.  The devil's greatest trick is making us think if a thing is hidden from the world, it's also hidden from God.

In Matthew chapter 25, Jesus says "God's kingdom is like 10 young virgins who took oil lamps and went out to greet the bridegroom.  Of the 10, five were silly (or foolish), and 5 were smart (wise).  The silly virgins took lamps, but no extra oil.  The smart virgins took jars of oil to feed their lamps.  The bridegroom didn't show up when they expected Him, and they all fell asleep.  In the middle of the night someone yelled out "He's here!  The Bridegroom's here!  Go out and greet Him!"  The 10 virgins got up and got their lamps ready.  The silly virgins said to the smart ones "Our lamps have gone out.  Lend us some of your oil."  The smart ones said "There might not be enough to go around.  Go buy your own."  They did.  But while they were out buying, the Bridegroom arrived.  When everyone who was there to greet Him had gone into the wedding feast, the door was locked".  Like the 5 silly virgins, we always try to trick God by doing or bringing just enough.  We say to ourselves "We'll be ready for You Jesus because we go to church at least twice a month, or we'll waiting for You Lord by giving that bit of change in our wallets/purses.  We get caught up in doing just enough to get by; never bringing enough to the table.  Then, as soon as our attention is turned, or as soon as our gaze is removed, He comes.  His spirit is felt on the horizon of our lives (maybe through a loved one being sick, or financial crisis, etc) and we then realize we need Him.  We need Him, but we havn't brought enough worship, prayer, and time of devotion to access Him. 

Always be ready Friends.  You never know when He's coming.  You never know when you'll be face to face with Him again.  Any other lifestyle is just silly don't you think?  I mean, can we really fool God?  I don't think so.  He knows where our hearts are.  He knows what and who we're devoted to.  I think we fool ourselves by thinking the stuff in our lives can be our lord, but Jesus can still be our Savior.  It doesn't work that way Folks.  He's either Lord of all, or He's not Lord at all.  Some come on, make sure the relationship shows total devotion.  It's the only way to truly be ready for Him.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for the chance to be in Your presence.  I realize I can't compromise and be devoted to You at the same time.  I commit myself to You with hesitation, and the fruit of my life will show that commitment.  Be Lord of my life now and Jesus' name. Amen.

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