True Gifts

Friday, December 17th, 2010

Today's Passage: Luke Chapter 2
Memory Verse: Luke 2:51-52

During the Christmas holidays, you can tell every time you watch television that the focus is to get as much as you can.  For those who have problems with their finances, this could be a very depressing time.  But if you take a step back, you'll find that you've already been given gifts that can't be bought or found under a tree.

Sitting at my children's middle school band Christmas program last night reminded me of my real gifts.  I allowed my mind to go back to the times of carrying and bringing forth my babies.  In between the discomfort, swelling feet, and unbelievable feeling of tightness as each child grew larger, there were moments of pure ecstasy-- every time I felt them kick, and when I tried to imagine what each of them would look like, sound like, and be like.

My firstborn, Derris, is such an amazing young man for one so young.  He is so serious about his gifting of music that he spends hours perfecting his craft.  I can already see what a mighty man of God he's going to be.  My middle child and only daughter is beautiful, smart, and so funny she's always got something witty to say.  Just like her father, she's got such a gifting for singing, writing music, and acting.  What a blessing she's going to be in children's ministry.  Then there's the baby, my Landon.  He's the affectionate one, the one who can read and play anything digital.  But he also loves the Lord, loves music, and will be the one to design Christian video games because he's already declaring that God has one million points while the devil has o zero.

I wonder if what Mary felt was similar to these motherly feelings of mine.  All I know is she willingly nurtured her Gift, even giving Him up for all of us because she knew God had a Plan. 
So no matter how hard times get, I hold up my gifts and treasure the greatness God has manifested in us.  I open my true gifts everyday, and give God so much praise for giving them to me.  As you go about your day, pull out your own gifts and appreciate the Plan God has for them through you.

Prayer: Father, only You can see far into the future.  You know what You've placed inside each of Your children to carry out Your purpose on this earth.  May we never allow the shallow gifts of this world's riches to cheapen the true gifts that will remain with us for eternity.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.      

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