Year In Review...

Monday December 27, 2010

Now that Christmas (the holiday) has come and gone, it's time to direct our attention on the year that was 2010.  As we perform our own personal year end reviews, I'm sure we'll find our fair share of ups and downs.  Don't worry though, ups and downs come in life.  The things I'd like to call our attention to are the decisions we made that caused us to be seperated from God.

Let's talk about relationships.  Are there any you could've done without in 2010?  What about that friend who said they had your back?  Did they turn their back on you when you needed them most?  Or maybe the "lover" you met who promised you the world, where are they now?  When it comes to relationships, the one we should put the most energy into in 2011 is the one we have with God.  Through Him, we'll quit drawing the guy that cheats, or the girl that betrays.  Through Him, we'll be preserved and set aside, and therefore,  will only seek those with the same status.  So, give God a try in the new year.  Let Him be the One your heart longs for.  Make Him your desire and He won't let you down like others did.

Now, let's talk about spiritual life.  What was the one thing that kept you from going to the next level in God?  Was it time, faith, or circumstances?  If it was time, make a commitment to spend more time with the Lord this year.  I'm not talking about a resolution.  I'm talking about a strategic plan to increase your time with God.  If your issue was lack of faith, understand that that is why He couldn't find pleasure in you.  All the praise you gave didn't move Him, nor did the worship you offered.  Why?  It was because He knew you didn't believe He could do what you were saying/singing He could do.  So in 2011, stand in the face of adversity and see the salvation of the Lord.  Know that He is God and He'll never leave you or forsake you. 

Finally my Friends, I want to encourage you to love more, forgive more, and trust more in 2011.  Doing these three things will allow access to the "right" things in your life.  As we desire to be smarter, richer, and healthier in 2011, let's also desire to grow in God.   And that doesn't just mean more church attendance; that also means more praise, deeper worship, and more accountability to His Word. 

Now prepare yourself.  2011 will be here soon.

Prayer:  Father I am so excited about this new year.  With every new season, You bring new promise, new mercies, and new blessings.  However, I realize I cannot bring the mistakes I made in the old year, into this new one.  So in these last few days of 2010, show me what I need to change about me.  Show me the path that gets me closer to You.  I'm ready for Jesus' name Amen.

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