Let It Be Unto Me...

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Today's Passage: Luke 2:26-37
Memory Verse: Luke 2: 37

My kids and I were having a conversation about how Abraham got to be called the father of faith.  I explained to them that it had to do with his decision to follow God without having physical evidence that what He promised would come to pass.  God simply told him to move to a place he'd never been to before.  In return for his obedience, God would make him a great nation, giving him descendants as many as the grains of sand on the seashore.

While thinking about that, including the fact that Abraham never lived to see his promise come to pass, I began to wonder what it is about faith that moves God so much.  I came to the conclusion that it's the element of trust in Him that every solid relationship must have.  It reaffirms that we 're resting in the fact that He knows what He's doing with our lives.  No wonder He tells the totally devoted person, "According to YOUR faith be it unto you" when they make the statement both Abraham -- and Mary --made.

We already know the conditions surrounding Mary's faith step.  Nowadays, having a baby out of wedlock is not that big a deal in our society.  But Mary knew she stood in danger of being an  outcast, or possibly even stoned for this.  Yet she said, "Let it be unto me as You have said.".   That single act of faith, using our words to show our devotion in spite of our circumstances, moves God more than any efforts to make it up to Him through sacrifices.

As you and I celebrate this glorious Christmas season, let's keep our focus on the fact that God has already thought out our future.  He's asked us to trust Him and stand in faith, willing to go or stay wherever He's asked us to, clinging to Him the whole time and not being moved from our devotion to Him.  Abraham, Mary, and so many others will forever be remembered for believing God.  Will you?

Prayer: Father, I'm so grateful that You won't relent until You have my total devotion.  May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart line up with Your will for my life.  May I always say with the same trust in You, "Let it be unto me according to Your Word." 

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