Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Today's Passage: Isaiah 61
Memory Verse: Is. 61:1

Father, as I prepare to come into Your house, I meditate on the glorious provision You have made for me to be one of Your anointed ones.  Not out of anything great that I have done on my own, but because of Your grace, You allow me to stand before Your people, proclaiming that You want to bless them.

May this Sunday not be just another day for me, or for Your children.  May they receive the news of Your favor into their lives, and allow Your great love to change them one day at a time.  For they are Your chosen, too.  You have called us all out of darkness into Your marvelous light.  You plan to use us to rebuild the places in our homes and community that have been broken down because of sin.

As we worship You today, fill us all with the desire to fulfill every bit of our calling so that we can bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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