What We Need

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

Today's Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:25-31
Memory Verse: Ephesians 1:17-18

Okay.  Only two more days, and we'll officially be saying goodbye to the year 2010.  Every minute that brings us closer to the new year will be filled with the promise of getting another chance to do it all again.  Every wrong choice made without thinking of the consequences will seem like an eternity ago, as we look forward to new opportunities.

It's like we're at a giant crossroad, and we're standing before God.  In His hands are all the blessings we would need to have an even more successful year than last year: finances, no strife in our relationships, a minimum of three to four vacations throughout the year, and of course--perfect health.  So we find ourselves being given the same choice God gave Solomon when he became king.

Just like Solomon, we can take advantage of a brand new year to ask our Father for things WE think will make our lives easier and more successful this year.  But, like Solomon, we'd be wise to just ask for His spirit of wisdom and understanding.  Why?  Because if we truly wanted to be honest, we don't need MORE of what we think we're lacking.  We need God's way of dealing with the ISSUES that caused the lack in the first place... And THAT'S what wisdom is.

With wisdom, I would exercise self-control in the food choices I make at least 90 percent of the time.  I would ignore my flesh's desire to just be inactive, and do the opposite because I know how much healthier-- and happier-- I'll be.  I would be able to manage my time better so that I wouldn't be tired and irritated... And that would reduce the strife in my relationships.  As for the finances, the Bible is only stock- full of counsel on our attitudes about money.  I am confident that whatever changes need to be made, our God can make possible.  But we can't do it without His Spirit.

Prayer: Father, I'm so ashamed to confess that there are areas in my life that I haven't been very successful in this past year.  As I prepare to go into this new year, I really need Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding to see beyond the moment and walk in self-denial.  I'm truly believing You for change to manifest itself in my life.  For Your glory, and in Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.

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