What will You Worship?

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Today's Passage: Isaiah 40: 12-20
Memory Verse: Is. 40:18

We look at the lives of  the people whom the world calls "superstars" showing off their possessions on a show called "Cribs".  Almost every single time, they've got an idol in their home that they've declared as their god.  And every time we see them do this, we're ready to unleash our holy anger towards them, condemning them as people on a certain path to hell.  But how willing are we to admit that we have "idols" of our own that we need to destroy?

An idol in the dictionary is defined as "an image, a person, or an idea that is worshipped".  So whereas we may be quick to pat ourselves on the back for not acknowledging a particular thing in our homes that we hold up to the same standard as God, what is it that consumes our affection, time and attention the most?  What is it that we would never part with, even if God asked us to?  For some, it may be money.  Others may have their education.  Still others may be blessed with the marriage, property or status that they were told they'd never have.

A Christian rapper says in one of his songs, "Your money, your marriage, singleness, status, your time... They (all) belong to you to show the world that Christ is divine.".  But many times, we uphold these things as if they were banners that make us who we are.  Really, we are God's children FIRST, then everything else is secondary.  In today's passage, Isaiah has a warning for us believers not to put anything before our God, Who created everything that we can see with the natural eye.

During this time when we're reflecting on what went well in our lives, and what didn't, it's a perfect opportunity for us to set new priorities, especially when it comes to what we choose to spend our time on.  Let's all be sure to focus our devotion on the One True God, and the building of His kingdom.  Jesus is on His way, and we need to invest in  preparing ourselves -- and others -- for that day.

Prayer: Father, I want to repent for putting  my time, energy and devotion into other things besides what brings glory to Your Name.  Help me make seeking You FIRST a priority again, so that my life can be poured out to bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

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