Wednesday June 1, 2011
Today's Passage: Colossians 3:1-19
Memory Verse: Colossians 3:3
I often think about how salvation really works. I mean, once we get past the "sinner's prayer", what happens next? Many believe God writes the person's name in His book, forever sealing them a place in Heaven. Some others believe it's instant "fire" insurance (if you know what I mean). Truth is, salvation is a reunion. It's the created coming back to the Creator. In a nutshell, the created one releases authority over his life to the Father, and right away, a new life begins.
Question is, why does it seem to work in some, and fail in others? The process of salvation is the same for all of us. We confess, then God recieves, thus putting us in our rightful place as sons and daughters of the King. With that, the opportunity to live lives full of hope and prosperity is given. What hinders the process is our inability to let go. One must turn away from the old life and accept God's new way of living. Combining the two will never work. Colossians 3:3 says "Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life--eventhough invisible to spectators, is with Christ in God. He is your life". If we believe this, we can no longer speak, think, or respond from out of our old nature. And that's where we make mistakes. We recieve God's salvation, but we hold on to our desires. Imagine if someone offered to buy you new furniture. After the purchase, they showed up at your house to deliver, but the old furniture was still inside. Instead of taking the old stuff out, you tell them to sit the new stuff on top of it. What does your living room look like now? That's exactly what our lives look like to God. It resembles a jumbled up mixture of what should be kept and what should be thrown away.
In conclusion, feel free to accept your new life from the Lord. God changes lives for the better. The protection He offers is second to none. The enemy tries to make us think a life in Christ is so boring and restricting. What he wants to do is cause you to rebel against God's plan for you. Truth is, his life is the boring one. All it consist of is sin, until you die. So, why die when you can live? Ultimately, a new life is waiting for you. And it's called salvation.......
Prayer: Thank You Father for welcoming us back to Your heart. We don't know where we'd be without You. We now recieve our new lives in You. Take the lead. We'll follow. We love You, and will always be Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Today's Passage: Colossians 3:1-19
Memory Verse: Colossians 3:3
I often think about how salvation really works. I mean, once we get past the "sinner's prayer", what happens next? Many believe God writes the person's name in His book, forever sealing them a place in Heaven. Some others believe it's instant "fire" insurance (if you know what I mean). Truth is, salvation is a reunion. It's the created coming back to the Creator. In a nutshell, the created one releases authority over his life to the Father, and right away, a new life begins.
Question is, why does it seem to work in some, and fail in others? The process of salvation is the same for all of us. We confess, then God recieves, thus putting us in our rightful place as sons and daughters of the King. With that, the opportunity to live lives full of hope and prosperity is given. What hinders the process is our inability to let go. One must turn away from the old life and accept God's new way of living. Combining the two will never work. Colossians 3:3 says "Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life--eventhough invisible to spectators, is with Christ in God. He is your life". If we believe this, we can no longer speak, think, or respond from out of our old nature. And that's where we make mistakes. We recieve God's salvation, but we hold on to our desires. Imagine if someone offered to buy you new furniture. After the purchase, they showed up at your house to deliver, but the old furniture was still inside. Instead of taking the old stuff out, you tell them to sit the new stuff on top of it. What does your living room look like now? That's exactly what our lives look like to God. It resembles a jumbled up mixture of what should be kept and what should be thrown away.
In conclusion, feel free to accept your new life from the Lord. God changes lives for the better. The protection He offers is second to none. The enemy tries to make us think a life in Christ is so boring and restricting. What he wants to do is cause you to rebel against God's plan for you. Truth is, his life is the boring one. All it consist of is sin, until you die. So, why die when you can live? Ultimately, a new life is waiting for you. And it's called salvation.......
Prayer: Thank You Father for welcoming us back to Your heart. We don't know where we'd be without You. We now recieve our new lives in You. Take the lead. We'll follow. We love You, and will always be Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen.