The Promise!

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis 37:1-36
Memory Verse: Genesis 37:3

*E100 Challenge

You know, we always get excited when reminded of the promises of God.  His promises are a constant reminder that there's more to life than what we see.  They keep us reaching, searching, and availing ourselves to God's will.

The other side of the coin is less glorious.  Having a promise from the Lord can lead to tension and strife with man.  Some people take offense to your favor.  They don't understand why you're so driven and passionate.  Like Joseph, we're often misunderstood when we're discussing our dreams or plans.  You've probably had friends or family members like Joseph's brothers.  They try to assassinate your dreams by reminding you of your failures.  They seek to pull you down with negative words and accusations.  But the good news (according to Bishop) is that the very thing that got us in those situations, will be the thing that gets us out.  That thing is God's promise.

Joseph went from the pit to the palace by holding on to God's promise.  He was hated, assaulted, falsely accused, and imprisoned because of his promise.  But he was also favored, empowered, encouraged, and trusted because of his promise.  Satan is the enemy to your promise.  He'd like nothing more than to get you off the path.  He'll try to destroy your confidence, he'll try to make you question what God told you, and ultimately he'll try to make you give up on your promise.  But thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in His name.  If we keep our focus on God, we can overcome persecution of any kind.  If we get thrown into the pit, God's promise is still sure.  If we're falsely accused of something, His promise is still sure. 

So stand, my friends.  Stand on the promises of God.  At the end of Joseph's dilemma, his brothers were in fact "bowing down before him".  I'm not saying your friends/family members will one day bow before you, but I am saying the day will come when they'll see where you end up.  You'll go from being the hated one, to the one who gives advice.  Essentially, the stone that the builders rejected will become the chief cornerstone.  That's right, if you stay the course, God's promise will get you through.

Prayer: Father, I'm so grateful that You have left footprints in the sand of time to show us that we are not alone.  Thank You for reminding us that You know what You're doing, and that the trials are part of the process.  I bless now Your people to discern which of our loved ones is for or against us, and reroute  the demonic forces through love and worship until the day we walk in our destiny.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.      

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