Be Careful What You Ask For!

Thursday February 24, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1-10:27
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 8:11

As I sat down to write today's devotional, I was immediately reminded of a story a friend once shared with me. He said he was watching the soap operas one day and a lady, who was ordering breakfast, ordered her eggs sunny side up. He was immediately impressed by her, and relished his opportunity to do the same. The opportunity came when his mother took him to an area restaurant for breakfast one morning. When it was his turn to order, he took his chance. "I'd like my eggs sunny side up please." His mother immediately corrected him. She told him he wouldn't like them that way, but he insisted. Wouldn't you know it? When he saw those eggs on his plate, he almost threw-up at the sight of them. "Eeeewww, he said. These eggs are raw!"

The children of Israel could have taught my friend a valuable lesson. The lesson would've been: be careful what you ask for. They would have told him how they were frustrated with God's judges and demanded He give them a king. God, through Samuel, tried to tell them they didn't need a king. He told them this king you seek will only oppress and abuse you. He tried to explain that they were the ONLY nation who's God was their king. Think about it. Have you ever asked God for something or someone He was already being? Have you ever asked Him for a lover when He's the Lover of your soul? Have you ever asked Him for a friend when His Son had already showed His friendship? If we're not careful, we'll take Him for granted. We'll forget He's everything we need; always have been, and always will be.

In conclusion, Saul was eventually made king over Israel. And he eventually did exactly what Samuel said he would. He worshipped false gods, he lost the ark of the covenant, and totally disobeyed God. He was just like a plate of raw eggs.....nasty! Why would we ask for a man, when we can have a Savior? Why do we always settle for second best? No one or no thing will ever be able to care for us, lead us, love us, and sustain us like Him. I challenge you to rest assured in the fact that He's more than enough!

Prayer: Father, I am humbled to have You as my God and King. I repent for the times I've tried to replace You. I realize no human love will ever measure up to Your love. No man-made thing will ever thing will ever measure up to what You've made. Reign over me, Lord, now and forever Jesus' name. Amen.

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