Can You Hear Me Now?

Wednesday February 9, 2011

Today's Passage: Exodus 3:1-4:17
Memory Verse: Exodus 3:10

E-100 Challenge

The methods we use to communicate have changed over the past several years hasn't it? In regards to the telephone, how long has it been since you've seen that old rotary dial phone? And are you old enough to remember your first experience with call waiting? Anyway, we live in a digital age. You don't even have to call your friend to communicate nowadays. Texting is the way to go. If that doesn't work, email or Skype with them. Consequently, there seems to be limitless possibilities when it comes to communication these days.

When I think about Moses in the book of Exodus, I chuckle when I imagine him breaking out the iphone to receive his instructions from God. But, God didn't need all that. He knew He could communicate in His own special way. God simply spoke threw the flames of a burning bush. Moses won't drop that call will he? "Sorry God, ssssshhhrrrr ssshhhrrrrr, You're breaking up"! Okay, enough playing around. When God needs to communicate with us He's going to make sure we can hear Him loud and clear. His desire was to give Moses a specific assignment, so He didn't have time for His words to be twisted or His instructions misunderstood. Many people claim to hear from God, but when asked to communicate what He said, the message changes each time they repeat it (hmmm). When God speaks, His voice leaves an indelible mark on the listener. What I mean is He didn't just want to talk to Moses, He wanted the conversation to be an experience.

Communication can get so messed up sometimes. People get emotional, or they have hidden agendas when trying to make a point. That's why God teaches us to be prudent (truthful) when communicating. Truth takes emotionality out of things. So, when you're talking to someone, make sure the point you're making is covered in truth. Lies, gossip, and slander can never be covered in truth. These are traps sent by the enemy to compromise your place in God. Finally, always be prepared to hear from God. He's always ready to speak to the hearts of His people. He knows however, that only a few will truly listen. Therefore, be one of the few. Listen for His voice and then respond with obedience. Doing so will thrust you into your purpose like Moses was into his.

Prayer: Father I thank You for Your willingness to speak to us. What kind of preachers, worshippers, or leaders would we be if noone was allowed to talk with You? I sometimes feel sorry for the worshippers of false gods. They worship those things but unlike You, Lord, those trinkets, statues, or candles will never be able to talk to them. But in a moment You can speak to anyone and change their life forever. It worked for me, and I am grateful. I'm forever Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen

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