Loyalty's Great Reward

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Today's Passage: The Book of Ruth
Memory Verse(s): Ruth 1:16

There are so many things that could be and have been said about Ruth.  But one trait that stands out to me the most is her loyalty to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Ruth's family was the Moabites, and her ancestor was Lot's daughter.  That young lady had had the opportunity to show loyalty to her own father by maintaining the sacred bond between a father and his daughter.  However, she had done the opposite and given in to a temporary moment of fear.  Not knowing how God was going to provide for them now that all the men from that area had perished, she and her sister took matters into their own hands and became intimate with Lot.

From this history, Ruth was a descendant.  Therefore she had a perfect excuse to take matters into her own hands when her husband died.  She had every reason to walk away from the One True God.  After all, He had taken away her one connection to doing things right.  But instead, she decided not to look after her own interests the way Lot's wife had done years earlier.  She swore an oath to follow Naomi and turn away from the traditions and customs she was used to.

Watch how God honors loyalty.  He laid a path covered with favor for Ruth to walk in.  By the time she and her mother-in-law arrived, news had spread of her unprecedented devotion to her mother-in-law's traditions.  Although she was supposed to become a widow who would be forced to settle for any available male family member from Naomi's tribe, God sent her THE one who was already anxious to protect and provide for her: Boaz.  It's the ultimate love story;  he fell in love with Ruth because he saw in her that same trait of tenacity and loyalty.  But he would not take advantage of her even when he could have, waiting instead for the proper time when he had followed God's command to the letter.

We see God's law of sowing and reaping at work here in an awesome way.  No matter what our forefathers have done to go against His ways, WE must remain loyal to His Word and stand for what is right-- even when we can't see how our immediate needs will be met unless we compromise.  Then, God will send that "Boaz" or kinsman redeemer to reciprocate that which we have sown in faith.  I always ask myself: what if she had not acted the way she did?  All of heaven was poised and ready to respond with blessings for this loyalty she dared to show.  And her name proudly stands among those who are in the lineage of Jesus the Christ because of it.  I'm determined to do it God's way.  I hope you are, too.

Prayer: Father, Your ways seem difficult, but Your yoke is really easy and Your burden light.  Not only do You prompt us to choose the good over evil, but You reward us abundantly for our obedience.  May we always desire to follow You rather than our own selfishness, and find that You 've already saved the day, just like You did for Ruth.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.     

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