The Gift!

Wednesday February 23, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1-3:21
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 1:11

I try to get intimately into everything I read in the Word. Truth is though, some things click immediately, and some....well, let's just say I'll understand it better by and by. Today's reading clicked. I mean, have you ever wanted something so bad you could feel it in the pit of your stomach? The crazy thing is, it may be so simple, yet so meaningful.

Now let's get one thing straight. I'm not talking about wanting things that bring glory to us, or wanting things just because we see other people with them. I'm talking about the thing you need to add to God's purpose for your life. In the first part of today's reading, we find Hannah desperately wanting a son. She didn't want one so she could conform to what everyone else was doing. She wanted her son to be a gift. Yeah, that's right. She had a purpose for what she wanted even before she got it. We ask God for so many things. And I'm sure He really gets a kick out of when we try to cut deals with Him as if He doesn't know our intentions. But He knew Hannah's heart was true. Homegirl was Td Nation before there was a Td Nation. Hannah was one of Elkanah's wives. And although she had favor with her husband, she couldn't have a child for him. Her rival Peninnah, however, could. Unfortunately for Hannah, she had to deal with Peninnah's ridicule quite frequently. Still, she knew God was able. What are you believing God for today? Have you given up on it, or, are you like Hannah who stayed in God's face because she believed? Also, are the priorities for what you're after in order? Why do you want it? How are you going to use it to glorify God? Hannah told God if He gave her a son, she'd give him back to God. What? Shouldn't she take the boy and give Peninnah an ole' fashioned na-na-nana-na? Hardly. Hannah was thinking "kingdom", and that made God think "yes".

Words could never describe the emptiness a mother would feel if she had to part with her child. Hannah, however, understood that her son would be better in God's hands than in her own. Imagine if more parents followed her example. They would be pleased with the thought of their sons and daughters becoming doctors, lawyers, or businessowners. But, it would be far more rewarding to them if their kids submitted to the work of the kingdom. I can hear them say "It's okay to be a engineer son, but be one for the Lord". If more parents prepared their kids for "kingdom" life as much as they prepare them for natural life, what would our future hold? So ask God for what you want today. He wants you to. He just wants to know if you're going to love "it" more than you love Him. Remember: he'll never raise you up to have to compete with who you are, or, he'll never bless you to have to compete with what He blessed you with.

Prayer: Father, search my heart today. I need a heart like Yours. Everything You have, You designed it to fill needs in the lives of others. That even includes Your only Son. I want to meet the needs of others. I want my love for You to manifest as service to others. The more I do, the more I'll be closer to being what You intended me to be, in Jesus' name. Amen

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