The Proof's in the Lifestyle!

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 19: 7-14
Memory Verses> Ps. 19: 10-11

What do you say to a person who asks the question, "What are the benefits of yielding to God's ways?". Only if you have actually been on the receiving end of these benefits can you give an answer, first of all. If you've had the privilege of being in the safety of the Shepherd's pasture, you should be able to rattle off a list off the top of your head. As we've already stated this week, it's a privilege to have the God of the universe set guidelines and fences to keep His sheep protected from attacks of wolves, but the sheep have to see the guidelines as a lifeline.

I love the way this passage reads in the Message Bible: "The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes." There's no set of rules anywhere on the face of this earth that is more perfect than God's ways. We come into the faith with no clue how to conform to the will of God. But rather than condemning us for what we DON'T know, God lovingly draws us in and inspires us to be more like Him. So great is His love for us that we are compelled to follow His heart. When I look back over my life, I rejoice that God took me in when He did. I see how warped my thinking was about -- well, everything. I guess that's why they call it the carnal nature. But since I said yes to His will, I can truly say that He has not guided me down any wrong paths.

Another thing I love about God's ways is that there are no hidden messages. Even when I walked in sin, I knew that something about the choices I was making wasn't right. There was never a time when I thought I was being lied to and misled. I never once thought my life was complete and there was nothing lacking. But the moment I let Christ in, I knew what I'd been missing all along: the loving guidance of a Father Who sacrificed everything to protect me from the enemy of my soul. Now, with the Word in my heart, I KNOW when I'm going against the Shepherd's clearly- marked guidelines, and I jump at the chance to get back into right standing with Him again.

Finally, there's nothing like the wisdom of knowing my life was created for a purpose-- not to do whatever I desire, which is a pretty hit- and- miss way to live, but what I was created to accomplish on this earth. I don't have to live in fear of the unknown, but walk in true joy daily because I've laid my future in the capable Hands of the Good Shepherd. He knows the plans He has for me, but these plans can only be executed if I yield to the leading of His Spirit: "Stay here. Go there. Don't do that; act now. Get up and pray. Release him or her. Ask forgiveness for what you said/ did..." all the knowledge in the world cannot compare to that gained in God's Presence. The only enlightenment I've received is that I need a Savior, and can do nothing without Him. To the question, "What are the benefits of yielding to God's ways", need I say more? All the proof you need is in the lifestyle.

Prayer: Father, I love the way You Shepherd me. Your protection over me is not a burden, but a blessing. You've set me free, changed me, and make me wiser everyday. I desire Your ways more than gold and sweet honey. Because of You, I can spot danger a mile away. I just want to thank You and declare my total devotion all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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