Green Pastures, Anyone?

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 121
Memory Verse> Ps. 121:1-2

In a generation such as ours where the end result of almost every career now is performance- oriented, stress seems to come with the territory. I would've never thought that education would be put on that list, but it is. There are more factors that are outside of the teachers' control now, such as a lack of discipline or home support. However, more is required of us than ever before. With the new laws passed by the governor, teachers are among the public servants in Florida who have to pay 3 percent into our own retirement for the first time. More payout from our already low salaries means less money to spread between food, car and health insurance, not to mention other bills.

Couple that with high demands surrounding getting students to pass the FCAT, and you've got a recipe for some really stressed- out teachers. But even that is no reason to doubt our Shepherd, Who has promised in His Word that He will cause us to lie down in green pastures. This image suggests a peace that truly passes all understanding. So how do we walk in that, or is it a far-fetched idea? Today's passage suggests that it's very possible.

The first thing we have to do is LIFT our eyes to the hills, where all our help comes from. Just like it says in the Word, we can't focus on the problems that compile themselves against us. The enemy knows what stress can do to the mind, heart and spirit of a person. Those of us who believe that God loves and takes care of us MUST keep our eyes on Him. He is our Source, not the dried-up resources in the government. He is the Provider of our innovations and our creativity. When everyone else runs out of ways to reach and teach our children, God never will. He's just waiting on us to acknowledge Him and depend on Him for help.

No matter how far away the world is pushing from our Shepherd, I admonish you, the people of God, to come ever closer. There's nothing and no-one that has the answers to all the chaos and anxiety. He is the only One Who gives us that peace that comes from knowing that WE don't have any answers, and that's okay. Why struggle to be in control when, at the end of the day, there's already ONE Who knows all, sees all, and never has to rest from watching over us? All He requires in return is devotion and submission. That's a small price to pay for green pastures, wouldn't you say?

Prayer> My Shepherd, I totally depend on You. Everything possibly needed to sustain all life for me is already provided. Whenever things arise that are out of my control, I remember where my help comes from. You've never gone back on Your promise to take care of me. Thank You for always watching over me no matter what. I give You my yesterdays, tomorrow and my today. Whatever it is, You can handle it. I love You always! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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