Aggravations, BEGONE!!!!!

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 37
Memory Verse>

Aggravations. Things that rub us the wrong way, irritate or vex us. Things that cause us to be offended and create tension between ourselves and friends, acquaintances, and loved ones. Aggravations appear when we least expect them -- for example, if we were excited about one thing and received disheartening news. They also manifest in areas of our lives that need the most healing, where God is doing the most work and we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Aggravations are especially designed to get us off focus and even have setbacks, with the ultimate goal being to make our Shepherd look incompetent.

One of the areas that cause the most aggravation is financial problems. It seems as though the more we commit ourselves to tithing and giving, the more we seem to fall short of our financial obligations. To add insult to injury, those who openly have no fear of God have lifestyles in which money is flaunted and wasted over frivolous things. People of God take one look at television shows and become frustrated that the world has it easy while God's people struggle. Doesn't the Father hear our prayers? Has He forgotten His promise to make us the head and not the tail, above rather than beneath? Hasn't He said He would supply all our needs according to His RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus? Why isn't it manifesting among God's children?

God's Promise To us is not that He'll take away all our problems in a flash, for He knows that would only cause us to become spoiled and incapable of standing under adverse circumstances. What He does guarantee is that, as we trust Him completely, standing firm through it all, the aggravations will lose their impact on us and we will walk in victory even while we wait for His promises to manifest in our lives. It's all about perspective. Would you rather be miserable, complaining about the issues and being downtrodden until breakthrough comes? Or would you like to keep praising and magnifying God for things He's ALREADY done while you wait? Which victory would be sweeter?

That, my friends, is why we must not allow the aggravations to triumph. Just as the Shepherd has to create a salve for the natural sheep's head to drive away the pests, the Good Shepherd takes the oil of His anointing and soothes us where the aggravations hit the most-- on our heads. As we submit to His calm Voice, singing over us and reminding us that He knows the plan that He has for us, we must be willing to trust Him and release all our doubts and fears. It's only in His Presence that we can get rid of the aggravations and gain a better perspective of what God has in store for us. Only the ones who are willing to allow the loving care of our Shepherd to give them rest will experience the peace that has been made available. Will you be the one to walk in freedom?

Prayer: Father, I receive Your provision of rest. I agree with Your promise that I will have my desires come to pass if I commit my way to You. I release every lie of the enemy that You are not a God of Your Word, and I mKe a decision to wait on You. May all who do the same receive everything You have in store. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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