Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 25: 31-46
Memory Verse: Matt. 25: 34-36

Father, You are truly a Good Shepherd.  You have given me everything I could possibly need.  I rest in the safety of Your arms on a daily basis.  I never have to fear the terror that strikes in the day or at night.  I know that Your thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace and not evil all the days of my life.  I trust that, even through the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me.  I praise You for already making a way out of no way for my desires to be accomplished on this earth.

So, with all that You have done, what do You require in return?  You've made quite an investment into my life, and You expect that it be used to bring others into Your kingdom.  Your heart is for my heart to be broken over the brokenness of those who cannot stand up to the tyranny of satan.  You expect me to bear them up and lift them where they're torn down.  You don't expect me to merely say with my mouth that I love the least of these; You expect me to demonstrate Your love whenever I see those who are in need.

Today, I pray that You will use me and others who have heard Your voice to reach out to the lost wherever they are.  You expect us to leave no stone unturned -- just like You did for me.  Please fill us with Your grace to visit the sick, pray for those who are hurting, clothe those who have no clothing, and feed those who are hungry.  May we fulfill Your calling not for gain or for man's praise, but for Your glory.  As we draw closer to You, may our hearts be filled with the joy of knowing that we are doing Your will on this earth.

As we arise to enter Your house, let us all be drawn to hear Your Word.  We ask for one accord with our brothers and sisters so that when we begin to worship, strongholds that have held us back for so long will be broken.  May nothing stop us from going forth to be who You've called us all to be.  In the mighty Name of Jesus, we declare this day to be a day of destiny in all our lives.  Amen. 

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