Worth the Wait

Monday, July 5th, 2010

Today's Passage:  Isaiah 40: 27-31
Memory Verse: Is.40: 31

Forty-five minutes.  The amount of time it takes to get on an elliptical exercise machine and burn roughly 850 calories.  For someone like me who's set a goal of shedding a minimum of forty pounds over the next four months, it seems more like forty-five years when I'm on that machine.  After a long period of different strategies to accomplish this lofty task, I finally believe God has given me the grace to do it this time.  But the price that must be paid for my goal is not an easy one. After about ten minutes on the elliptical, I begin to get the sensation that I'm losing my breath.  As the machine takes me from an easier resistance to a much more challenging one, everything within me wants to quit.  I actually find myself beginning to contemplate compromise: "After all, I only burned 400 calories the other day; I don't really have to go that far today.."

Then something begins to rise up within me as I cry out to the Lord in desperation.  I know that if my life is going to change for the better in this area, I've GOT to stick it out.  I could use my free will and get off of that machine at any time, but if I want to get rid of this weight that's slowing me down, I can't quit.  So I begin to praise God like I'm crazy, and prophesy that nothing is impossible with God.  And I keep moving on that machine.  Then, every few minutes, I reach out and gulp my water like I'm dehydrated in the middle of the desert.  And I breathe as deeply as possible with every movement, having learned that more oxygen will generate more energy.  So as I continue to move, drink, breathe, and praise, I gain the strength I need to make it through that 45-minute workout.

Saints, we're all running a race to live our lives for the Christ.  We've all got a goal (press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Jesus).  And there's always weight we must get rid of -- weight that will set us off course and take our eyes off the goal.  When running becomes hard, know that the enemy's number one goal is to get you to just quit --or at least stop long enough to lose your passion for the Lord.  You'll know you're in danger of walking away from God when you begin to contemplate compromising rather than doing things His way.  More time on the job will begin to seem like a better idea than going to church or spending time with other believers.  All of a sudden, things you're going through may seem so far removed from anyone else, and you may think that no-one could possibly understand, so you'll begin to feel that being by yourself is better than being around "them".

Here's where my workout experience may help you.  No matter how weary you may get, God's word assures us that He NEVER does.  So if you give in and run away, you'll actually be running from the Source of strength that God is.  Slow down just enough to meditate on Him and Who He is.  In this season, more time with Him is what you need, not less.  You can't be too proud to cry out to Him in desperation.  You must know that if you're going to live this Christian life successfully, you can't do it on your own.  Drink of the life-refreshing Water that is His Son, Jesus.  Praise Him and prophesy to yourself that you WILL be everything that He created you to be no matter what it looks like.  Keep moving, drinking, breathing, and praising.  As you do this, you'll find that waiting on the Lord was worth it.  Your strength will begin to return, and you'll be ready to run with joy again.  God's promise is sure: those who wait will find their strength renewed.  They will not be weary to the point of quitting, but will run with endurance. 

Getting on that machine everyday is still a big challenge, but I'm beginning to feel as though, before too long, my strength will be greater than it is now.  So spiritually or physically, it's worth it to wait on the Lord.

Prayer: Father, I am so grateful that You, the Creator of the ends of the earth, never faint nor grow weary.  Your understanding is unsearchable, and You give power to those who are weak. Strengthen Your sons and daughters today.  Breathe into them the strength they need for the race.  All the glory will be Yours for the victory they walk in.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.            

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