The Sword of the Spirit

Sunday, July 24th, 2010

Today's Passage: Ephesians 6:10-18
Memory Verses: Eph. 6: 17-18

I'm sure you've heard the expression, "All dressed up and no place to go.". That's right -- I'm going to say it.  It doesn't matter how much military gear you have on.  If your weapons are not activated, you're a sitting duck.  And that's truly where spiritual warfare comes in.

The sword of the Spirit is the most important part of our armor.  Without it, we have nothing with which to counteract the enemy's attacks on our sisters and brothers.  This sword is The Powerful Word of the Living God.  It's Living and Active, sharper than any two-edged sword that exists in the natural.  So here's how your sword operates: every time a problem arises that calls for an answer from God, He's already given us His Word that we must keep meditating on so that the Holy Spirit can bring it to our remembrance.

Once that Word has been brought back to us, we HAVE to use it.  This passage in Ephesians tells us to use the sword of the Spirit to pray with all kinds of prayer and supplication IN the Spirit. This means that we have to see with the eyes of the Spirit so that we can speak (pray) the way the Spirit wants us to.  Now, let's rewind all the way back to Day 1 of this week.  Remember what we said about how closely connected being joined and intercession are?  If one of our brothers or sisters in the Lord is being attacked, but all we see is how weak and annoying they are, how can our prayers for them be effective?  

The enemy is counting on our tendency to only see what is done or said in the natural.  He wants strife and backbiting to be our focus, rather than true love and the strength to fight for one another.  As you put on your armor, remember that you can still be rendered powerless if the enemy can deceive you into thinking about your opinions and feelings rather than on the total Will of God.  Don't allow that precious Sword to be turned into an ordinary blade against our own body.  Let's pray like never before, and fight even harder.  The more we bond together, we are bound to be victorious.

Prayer: Father, I am so grateful that You've done everything to make sure I end up on the winning side. Please give me the strength to see my brothers and sisters as also victorious. Let me use the Sword of Your Spirit to fight for Your kingdom, and not to wound members of Your Body.  In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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