It's That Time of Year!

Thursday July 29, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalms 1:1-3
Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 28:12

It's almost here!  I can't wait.  I'm about to burst with excitement!  What is it?  It's football SEASON!  Okay, I get it.  Some of our readers have not been completely converted yet (lol), so they don't share my enthusiasm.  However, this is great segway for today's devotional.

Most, if not all, of us have been in a place where we were looking for a particular season to arrive.  We had heard the prophets declare "It's coming, It's coming, Hold on, it's coming", but we've yet to see anything.  For the most part, belief is not our issue, but perserverance, now that's a different story.  Everytime I see a NFL commercial I get a glimpse of the season yet to come, only to be jilted by the trickery of another TV commercial.   Hold fast my friends.  If God has spoken something into your life, the season of time for that thing is coming.   He isn't a man who can lie like the men who made those commercials.  What He has for you will be yours in due SEASON.   That's right, SEASON. 

Have you ever tried to eat a fruit before or after its season of harvest?  Yuck!  When I was a kid, we had 2 grapefruit trees and an orange tree in our backyard.  They made for wonderful snacks when they were in season.  However, as you could imagine, there were times my friends and I would try to eat them before it was time to harvest them.  Needless to say, we had some big time stomach aches.  We went through all that pain and discomfort because we "picked" our harvest before it was time.  Also, there were times when the season had passed, but we were still holding on to the fruit from the "last" harvest (I felt the Lord right then).  Ugh!  Our harvest had become this brown, rotten, stinky thing, instead of the blessing it intended to be.  So God knows when it's your season.  He knows if He brings the harvest too soon, it'll just cause you pain.  And If He brings it too late, You won't be able to use it.  Stick to God's plan and you'll be okay.  His ways are far superior to ours.  We can't go wrong with our lives in His hands. 

I can't wait for football season.  It's not here yet, but it's coming.  Your season may not be here yet either my Friend, but it's coming.

Father my life is in Your hands.  I'll not try to take it back by using my own understanding.  I'll stand in faith knowing You have everything under control.  You've always given me what I need when I need it.  You've never let me down.  So I praise You for Your faithfullness.  You are so Awesome...I thank You. In Jesus' name....Amen

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