
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 34:22
Memory Verse: Same

Happy Independence Day, Friends & Lifers!  This is the day the greatest country in the world celebrates her independence -- her birthday actually.  In July of 1776, the United States of America became a nation.  Now there were several hinderances to that independence.  The Brittish colony was a stronghold that had to be uprooted.  They were not willing to give up the control they had over the Americans.  It kind of reminds me of when I changed "spiritual" governments.

When we try to live without Christ, we become oppressed by our enemy.  There was a price that had to be paid for our freedom.  Not being able to pay that price led to lives of bondage and destruction.  Thanks be to God the day came where our freedom was purchased by Him.  Because of what He did, we have the authority to walk in freedom of life in His name.  Our government is now on His shoulders.  Our laws are totally different.  As a matter of fact, all we have to do is love our neighbor and stay totally devoted to our King (yes, King).  Our nation is not a's a theocracy.  No offense to the democratic way of doing things, but I don't get to (or want to for that matter) vote on who and what I'm going to follow.  Where God goes, I go, and where He stays, I stay, and what He says, I say.  He is my King and my Savior.  In  His kingdom, His health plan, national security, and economy are second to none.

So I pray you choose the freedom that Christ has given you.  Once you experience that freedom, you'll never return to that yoke of bondage again.  Jesus has already paid the price for your freedom, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed.  That makes Independence Day even more special.  Also, Psalm 34:22 says "God pays for each slave's freedom; no-one who runs to Him loses out."  So let's celebrate the fact that we will not lose out by becoming citizens of God's kingdom.  The only thing we'll be losing is the sin that is keeping us oppressed.  So let's praise God with great energy tomorrow because we're FREE.  We've not earned freedom, but it's been graciously given by a holy and righteous God.   By definition, being free means being liberated, exempt from outside authority, preserved, released, not held down (chained or shackled), and loosed.  All of those depictions of freedom describe God's love for us.  There's nothing like being released to turn away from sin and addiction.  I'd hate to have to submit everytime the addiction called.  I'd hate to have to give in everytime the stronghold pressed down on me.  The definition also said by being free, we are "preserved".  God says He knows the plan He has for us.  He plans are to set us aside and bless us.  That's the very depiction of preservation and freedom, isn't it?  

So I challenge you to live free by His mercy and love.  Live free by His truth and justice.  And live free by His patience and peace.  One day in His kingdom is better than a thousand anywhere else.  Celebrate His love tomorrow and thank Him for giving you your own personal Independence Day. 

Prayer: Thank You God, for freeing me from the bondage of sin.  Just as our country celebrates its freedom, I rejoice for mine.  I'll never forget what You did for me Jesus, so I am gratetful.  You have my total devotion Jesus' name Amen.   

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