Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Friday, November 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Nehemiah chapter 6
Memory Verse> 2 Peter 2:1

The Bible clearly tells us in 2nd Peter that there will be false prophets in the fold, just as there were in days of old. For this reason, we are to be sober, watchful and prayerful.  It also says that God has ordained the days to be shortened so that the very elect would not be deceived.  This brings about the question: is it possible that there exists in the year 2011 prophets who claim to be sent by God that are not?  Are there really wolves in sheep's clothing who are destroying and scattering the sheep even as we speak?

It might be hard to hear this because, as I write this, it's hard to put into words.  But God would not warn us if there were no danger to be wary of.  A false prophet is one whose purpose is to sow seeds of doubt and fear among the saints by speaking words that APPEAR to be from God on the surface, but at the very foundation are nothing but an assignment to destroy what God has built.  Over the past twenty years or so, there has been a shift in the Christian church from focusing on being about our Father's business because He's coming soon to living for now.  Although our Father promises in His Word that if we seek Him first, He will add these things and all others to us, it seems mighty strange that we began to hear prominent ministers preach a gospel that sounded like it was straight from the throneroom... until we all looked up and found that we had to repent from lusting and coveting after what was not ours, as well as resenting God rather than living in contentment with what He's given us FOR the now.

Rather than take offense, just think about this for a moment: a false prophet may not necessarily be one who knowingly or deliberately sets out to destroy the purpose and plan of the people of God.  He or she may just start out with good intentions and end up walking in error due to his or her own selfish desires getting in the way of that person's ability to hear the voice of God and speak what He says without compromising.  I believe that this is what we've experienced.  There are genuine people of God who missed it while taking their eyes off of the prize of the high calling for just a moment... but a moment is all it takes for the enemy to move in.  And before they know it, they're being used by him to accomplish his own agenda rather than God's in this end time harvest.  Let's face it: we've all been used by that deceitful dragon at one time or another to take a person off course -- whether it may be through the words we spoke, or our actions.  Did that mean we had totally gone off the reservation and began to serve the enemy?  No.  But that's how cunning and deadly the devil is.

Nehemiah experienced the same thing when he was on the verge of finishing his assignment.  All of a sudden, people who should've known that God's Sovereign will is always to lift and bless His people began to speak out against what he was doing, and began trying to instill fear in him.  But there's something about those who are totally devoted and intimately connected to the Most High God.  Nehemiah didn't waste time forming opinions of them or trying to assassinate their character.  He merely kept His eyes on God and asked Him to get them out of the way so that he could finish what he had started.  And that's exactly what we need to do.

Pastor Chris reminded us on Wednesday night that we are expected to be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.  Anyone who produces the opposite mentality or heart in us does not have God's heart towards us, no matter how popular that person is or how anointed they may be.  If that person's ministry causes doubt rather than confidence to be stirred in us, we'd better be questioning whether they really are who they profess to be in these last, evil days.  We must keep locked in to the vision of the house the Lord has planted us in, and be sure that the pastors we're submitted to have the heart of God.  If we are supposed to be prospering even as our souls prosper as a result of being under the teaching of godly men and women, there should be no doubt as to whether we are hearing from God or not.  Test the spirits by the spirit and see whether the prophetic words you're receiving line up with the Word of God.  Period.  With perilous times all around us, we simply have no time to be second-guessing our destiny.  When we stand before the Father, there'll be no room for "I thought they were YOUR prophets, God."  If they're God's messengers, they'll do what the Word says: correct, reprove, teach, exhort, and always love through it all.  There will be no scattering, with the purpose of the ministry being split after a period of time  Watch and Pray, saints.  We must guard ourselves against wolves in sheep's clothing.

Prayer:  Father, I think back to times when I could've been led astray by those sent on assignment by the enemy.  But You didn't let that happen.  I just want You to know that I appreciate Your protection.  Continue to cover Your people and see us break free of the spirit of  being susceptible to "itching ears".  Only You can keep us until end times.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo true. Reading through this, i'm reminded of 1 Kings 13. It's crazy, sad & nauseating.. the thought that if we're not in sync with the Holy Spirit & the God-inspired vision of the house how terrible the results can/will be. Have you ever literally tried to get roots from a bad seed?.. I have, and it ended up with mold & had to be discarded. I pray for wisdom & focus for the elect in Jesus' name.