Change We Believe In!

Saturday November 19, 2011

Today's Passage: Nehemiah 8
Memory Verse: Nehemiah 8:1-3

Geez! Things are getting crazy around here. Within minutes of watching the evening news, I often find myself mortified by all the reports of murder, abuse, schemes, and other injustices. Where has our morality gone? It seems as the days go by, more people are losing their core values than ever. It can also be seen in our schools. As an educator, I've been in meeting after meeting where children disrespect their parents as if it's the right thing to do. I'm not real sure how things got this way, I know for a fact they have to change. And there's only one thing that will change it.

How does one establish a repentant society? Do we make new laws, build new prisons, or hire more law enforcement? Since we are all natural punishers, do we revert to public stonings or lynchings for those who break the law? Whereas these interventions would probably have some effect on immoral behavior, it wouldn't have a lasting effect. The reason it wouldn't is because punishment only stops us from doing bad things. Now I know what you're thinking. And you're right, it SHOULD stop us from doing bad things. Some of us wouldn't be as well-behaved as we are if it weren't for a bit of punishment. So this discussion is not to convince us that punishment is evil. As mentioned before, it has it's merits. The problem with punishment however, is it doesn't teach. There's no aspect of punishment that makes one understand why they should do good things. That's why the word of God is important. In our passage, due to the choices people were making, Ezra, along with other leaders, gathered everyone together and began to remind them of God's law. They turned their attention back to the moral code on which their nation was founded.

Those of us who agree that humanity has to be better behaved have to make sure our voices are heard. We have to first be prayerful. God has shown us in His word that if there's at least one of us who still desires to live for Him, He'll heal us. Also, we have to be diligent in the way we elect our leaders. We can't afford to allow party lines or race to distinguish who's right or wrong. We must make those decisions based on character. Who's going to lead us according to the Word? That's who should get our votes. In order to re-establish morality in society, its leaders must be the example of that morality. They must lead us in prayer (locally and nationally), and like Ezra, always remind us of what God expects of us.

Repairing our moral compass will be a tall order, but by God's grace, it can be done. Those of us who are reading this devotional can let it begin with us. Let's pray for our nation, be wise during elections, and stand for justice. Let's never allow God's word to go far from our hearts; always reminding our neighbors of its power to change. Alone, we'll never be powerful enough, loud enough, or influential enough to accomplish this. However, together we can do all things through Christ, who I know will strengthen us. Let's not sit back and wait to become victims of lawlessness and immorality. Let's change the world!!!!

Prayer: Our Father, You are glorious and awesome; perfect in all Your ways. As we look around, we see the fruit of our rebellion and immoral practices. We now repent of our sin and turn our hearts back to You. Only You can save us from this path to destruction. So, we totally submit to Your ways, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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