Work It Out!

Tuesday November 29, 2011

Today's Passage: Romans 5:1-11
Memory Verse: Romans 5: 3 & 4

I've been working with a personal trainer this past few weeks, and I must say the results have been nice (just ask Yas). I can feel the difference in my arms, chest, and legs after each session. To say the least, I've been pleased with my progress. Now, as I am well pleased with the new improvements, I can't forget the great pains (thanks Rudy) I endured to get here.

One of the methods our trainer uses to burn calories and build muscle is called 'Resistance Training'. He uses light to heavy weight with continuously quick reps in order to get the best result. Why is resistance needed to build strength? On the spiritual side of things, we grow and develop through our ability to stand in the midst of resistance. At the end of the day, we are people of faith, aren't we? The word of God tells us specifically that trials (resistance) come to build patience and perseverance in us. God knows we won't grow if He pampered us all the time. I mean, would a baby learn to walk if his mother never put him down? We have to develop the ability to use heartache instead of letting heartache use us. Christians don't have to go through life blaming everything on the devil. Some situations we find ourselves in may be God "putting us down" because He wants us to walk.

"We walk by faith....". That statement is the motto for Christian life. But how can we walk by faith if everything comes easy? Faith comes by hearing. There's no doubt about that. In the same light, however, faith is strengthened through operation. We were all given a measure of faith. That's how you came to meet Jesus after hearing His gospel. But, if you give up when presented with resistance, that faith would never grow into the mountain-moving force God intended it to be. Like God, Rudy (our trainer) loves us. He would never do anything to purposely injure us. But the love he has doesn't mean he'll always keep us from pain. He knows every groan, every scream, and every sigh means we're getting stronger. He also knows that delivering us from that minor discomfort too quickly will have no positive effect in the long run. So, as you begin your day, try not to lose sight of who you are if you're faced with a trial. Consider it a workout session with God. He has chosen you to become stronger and more patient today. Take the workout seriously, my friend; because you never know, the weight may get heavier next time. If it does, you'll be prepared. You'll know just what to do (and have the stamina too) to lift it off of you. Now need a good workout!

Prayer: Father, I thank You for planting inside of me the seed to growth and strength. Every time I encounter what seems like a setback, I'm learning to recognize that it's only fuel for You to use as the miracle situation that builds my faith. I come into agreement with Your plan for the direction in which You're taking me. Yes, indeed to Your Will! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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