Friday, November 16th, 2011

Today's Passage> Revelation 3: 14-22
Memory Verse> Rev. 3: 16

God is a Spirit, but He is strong enough to make it abundantly clear that He hates double-mindedness with a passion. And personally, I agree with Him. Whenever I read this passage, I try to put myself in His place and see what it would be like to be Him. I take a moment and remember the whole idea of being able to not only see everyone, but also hear their thoughts. Can you imagine eavesdropping on six billion conversations in a million different languages? "Evan Almighty" doesn't even come close to describing it.

I guess that's why I totally understand God's stance on the issue of double- mindedness. In His own words, He pretty much tells the church, "I'd respect you more if you were either hot or cold." at least that way, He'd know where each of us stands. You can see passion coming a mile away. It's easy to see when someone is head-over-heels in love with something or someone. There's no doubt in that person's mind from one moment to the next what they're planning to do. They already know going in what sacrifices have to be made, and they're prepared to make them with no turning back.

At the risk of sounding superficial, I don't know of a single diehard fan of any football or basketball team that has a problem with being double-minded. I've seen two Seminoles fans in particular just skip the whole team apparel altogether and spray themselves from head to toe in team colors. There's no way you'd get one of those fanatics to turn their backs on their favorite team-- even when things didn't go right on a given week or even a given season. And you certainly wouldn't dare suggest that they root for a rival team just because their own team may be down. On the other hand, someone like me who doesn't really have that diehard spirit where sports is concerned needs help seeing what all the fuss is about. It'd be pretty hard to attend a game to watch a losing team play even in the nicest weather (unless there were something in it for me afterwards-- like dinner, for example).

Now, imagine the God of this universe, who made such sacrifices for all of us, having to hear us bellyache and complain about His care for us just because we may have to walk through hard times. I see now more than ever before why He'd rather have a group of cold, heartless people around than a bunch of timid, apathetic and unsure believers. At least He knows where they stand with Him. Now, let me qualify this by saying He loves us all unconditionally. Nothing we can say or do will ever stop His love from flowing towards us. But if all WE can offer in the form of devotion is our half-hearted attempts to serve God, He'd much rather we take it back. It has to be either cold or hot as far as our devotion goes. What's YOUR temperature?

Prayer: Father, when I compare my sacrifice to Yours, I realize how little I have to sacrifice for Your kingdom. I want to thank You that by Your grace I CAN give my all, and do it with- holding nothing. May my heart and life bring You joy daily, and set a positive example for others to follow in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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