If You're Saved and You Know It...

Monday, November 7th, 2011

Today's Passage: James chapter 1
Memory Verse> James 1: 6-7

My brother-in-law is an interesting person.  He may be much better at this now, but when he was yet unmarried and lived at home, it took him quite a long time to decide exactly what he wanted to wear. My husband tells me it was even worse when they were in high school.   He would pull out five or six outfits, try each one on, then go searching for something completely new until he had the one that he felt the most satisfied with -- the one that matched with the right shoes and made him look the best.  This took place nearly everyday, and they would consequently be late for school on a daily basis because he never could go through this process the night before.  But even if he did, he would probably change his mind by the morning, and the whole thing would start all over again.

As hilarious as this seems when it comes to clothes, it is no laughing matter when it comes to the issues of our lives.  Of all the things not to be sure about, our eternity is not one of them.  First Corinthians tells us to "Be steadfast, unmoveable, [and] always abounding in the work of the Lord, because our labor is not in vain in [Him].  But double-mindedness is the opposite of everything in this verse.  Our pastors ministered yesterday about how a double-minded person is one whose devotion to God is less than total.  His attention is divided between God and other things.  This means that other things have equal place in this person's life, and take up as much space as, or more than, what God should.  What goes on in our spirits is exactly what manifests in the natural with animals: a two-headed animal.

If an animal has two heads, this means it is getting two completely separate sets of commands.  Which one will it be able to follow?  How can the one body go left when it's being told to go right at the same time?  As a result, they often move in a disoriented and dizzy fashion; some simply zigzag without getting anywhere.  In their research, our pastors found out that two brains result from the failure of two fertilized eggs to separate properly during the gestation of the mother.  So basically, there are two completely different animals living in the body of one.  Eventually, the two-headed animal will die from not being able to properly feed, protect, and sustain itself in its environment. 

Do you see the parallel for believers who are trying to live saved but have not made the necessary changes in order to receive everything that God has provided?  James strongly warns us to ask for the wisdom necessary to obey and be totally devoted to God.  Basically, we must be willing to kill our will, separate and cut off its ability to rule in our lives.  In order for us to be the steadfast, sold-out and totally devoted believers we were created to be, God must be the Only One in control.  No-one else should be allowed to control us, tell us where to go, who to associate with, or even what to eat and how to spend our money.  Everything about us should be completely submitted to the Father.  If you're saved and you know it, live like it.  Don't live confused, disoriented and unsure from one day to the next whether you're going to follow Christ or not.  This decision must be settled in your mind FIRST.  There is simply no other alternative.

Prayer:  Father, as You show us the uncertainty of the times in Your Word, I feel You urging Your people to make up their minds Who they will serve.  As for me and my house, we will serve You, the Most High God.  You are the Only One Who deserves our devotion, for You are the Only One worthy to receive it.  You paid the highest price for our lives, so we give them back to You without reservation.  Live big in us, O God.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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