A Heavenly Set-Up

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Today's Passage> Genesis chapter 37
Memory Verse> Gen. 45:5

It's supposed to be the safest place in the world. It's a place where nurturing, caring relationships should blossom and help establish us as the people we're supposed to be. And yet, the very family God put on this earth to be a blessing to us can sometimes be used by the enemy to point us as far away from God's plan as possible... Or is it really what happens? In actuality, could this be a set-up from Heaven on our behalf?

Today's passage shows Joseph growing up in a hostile environment. It seems as if the odds were stacked against him from the get-go. The only person in his corner is his father, and he doesn't make things any better by tattling on his brothers and telling them how lowly they are. It's these and other factors that lead me to wonder whether God doesn't orchestrate such circumstances to propel us into the path that would bring Him the most glory. Just go with me for a minute and imagine with me this scenario: what would life have been like if Joseph's family had been the warm-and-fuzzy, nurturing one we all wish for?

For starters, he wouldn't have had the conflict with his brothers that ultimately pushed them to kidnap and sell him off to the first traveling merchants they encountered. They would've loved him so much that Joseph's life as we know it would never have come to pass. He certainly would never have ended up in the very place where he was able to provide for them and save them from starvation. The way I see it, God's system takes what we consider impossible and uses it to make the enemy the liar he is. So maybe, just maybe, a look at our own relationships will find us at the place where God can turn them upside down so that provision can be made for the future and establish His plan in the lives of those whom He has chosen.

Today, we encourage you to stand firm in the place of resistance, even if it is coming from people you know and love. Most resistance is designed by God to orchestrate our entrance into our destiny. Is the process unexpected and painful? Yes. Does it feel to our flesh as if all of heaven and earth is against us? By all means. And yet even that which the enemy means for evil cannot remain that way when God is involved. So how do WE respond when the resistance, which is sure to come, comes from those we love? We walk in love and never in strife; we keep ourselves vulnerable and keep God's peace and forgiveness flowing through us, knowing that God causes ALL things to work together for good to those of us who are totally devoted. And we look forward to the awesome unfolding of His plan that we get the privilege of participating in for His glory.

Prayer: Father, Your ways are perfect and true. We stand now and take this opportunity to partner with You in the making of miracle opportunities in our relationships. Have Your way in our lives, and may we never stop allowing You to work in and through our loved ones for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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