God's Arithmetic

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

Today's Passage> Acts chapter 9
Memory Verse> Acts 9:21

The Bible clearly tells us that we are not to boast about the sin in our past, and so out of reverence for the Lord and His Word, this is not going to be a stroll down Memory Lane. But what I AM going to stand on is the premise that I am so grateful for the parts of my past that the Lord had always intended to use. There were parts of my life that the Lord placed there to remind me that there was more than what I was settling for at that time.

I'll always be grateful for the gift of ministering in song that the Lord gave me. Even at an early age, I knew there was one thing special about it. So even in the midst of my sin, I cherished it as the most important thing that made me valuable. But without a relationship with God, I didn't understand the purpose of this gift and just how set apart I truly was. When I finally gave my heart to the Lord, the scales fell from my eyes and I began to see more and more clearly with each passing day why the Lord had let me live through the ravages of war.

I especially loved reading the story of Saul, who spent the earlier part of his life doing what he thought was right. Imagine his surprise when he gets literally stopped in his tracks by the Lord Jesus Himself. After his time of isolation, which he no doubt needed to help him figure out what was about to take place, the scales fell from his eyes when hands were laid on him. That's when he began to realize that the law had its place, but a relationship of walking in the Spirit was the best way to honor God. But do you know what he maintained from his past that God had always intended to use for His glory? His fire-hot passion and determination.

This same drive is what pushed Saul to pursue the Jews nd persecute them all those years. And this same drive is what God used to push Paul back into the same synagogues where he'd tried to convince the very Jews of the Lordship of Jesus. Still think there's nothing from your past that is praiseworthy? I beg to differ. There's something in there that God created and will use to make people wonder what changed about you so quickly. I wouldn't worry about what people have to say because there is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You just have to be willing to go forward like Paul did with a new name and a new purpose. Don't waste another moment trying to figure out God's arithmetic. He knows just what He wanted to add, and what He's already subtracted from you for His glory. The sum total of you is what He always intended You to be. And that's all that matters.

Prayer: Father, You knew what I would be even before I began to Walk in that direction. I just want to show You how grateful I am that You still want to use me the way You do. Let come what may, I truly want You to be glorified forever. But if possible, please arrange it so that those from my past will be able to see that You have changed me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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