Wednesday, May 30th> Philippians 3: 12-16 What should we do to create an environment for the incorruptible seed to grow? This is literally a LIFE or DEATH situation. If we want our earthly vessels to house, foster and grow such an amazing gift of new life, we must FIRST recognize the threat of evil around us with only ONE goal: to cause us to abort the seed, or at the very least stop it from growing. With that being said, we must be sober and mindful of what we let in, who we allow to influence us, and what we choose to dwell on from one day to the next. No-one-- absolutely no-one-- can be ruled out as a SOURCE of death for our seed. This simply means we must not be so wrapped up in the outward appearance of those we surround ourselves with that we ignore the warning signs when our faith is slowly but surely being replaced with doubt, our joy with sadness or depression, or our on-fire walk with a lukewarm substitute. We must NEVER take our eyes off the prize-- to get to the NEXT milestone in order to position ourselves on e step closer to our purpose and destiny. Nothing else must become more important than this goal-- no person, no place, and certainly no part of our past is worth holding on to. As long as we have this mindset, we will begin to set up the right environment for the incorruptible seed. All that's left to be said is will you choose LIFE, or DEATH?

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