Power To Overcome

Saturday, May 5th> 1 John 5: 1-13 How are we able to go through trials and tribulations because of our adoption?  We carry inside of us the POWER to OVERCOME.  We have our Father's DNA, which means there is no earthly situation we can encounter that can overwhelm or defeat us.  Did you hear that, child of the Most High God?  We have been given everything we need to outlast and conquer every enemy that comes against us.  We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. So what stops us from walking and living in victory?  For one, we could be ignorant of who we really are -- in which case, we might as well be dead if we don't have a revelation of God's gift of sonship through the blood of the Lamb.  Secondly, we could be allowing sin to render us incapable of receiving this free gift.  Ask yourself: am I truly an overcoming believer?  In spite of the trials Jesus said we would face, He also said HE has overcome the world.  Where are you?  On top rather than on the bottom?  Seated in heavenly places where Christ dwells?  Or barely able to put two sentences together concerning our authority?  Whatever the case, it's available.  

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