The Developer

Tuesday, May 8th> Titus 3: 1-8 Who is responsible for beginning and accomplishing the important task of developing us? The same One Who was responsible for renewing Sarah's womb and accomplishing the miracle of birth in her. The same One Who fulfilled Hannah's destiny by healing her barrenness and facilitating the conception of Samuel, one of the greatest prophets who ever lived. The very same One Who carried out the Immaculate Conception in which He took the holiness of God Himself and embedded it inside the womb of a very ordinary girl and produced the Word of God in flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Person of the Trinity assigned to accomplish impossible tasks. He is the One Who takes God's visions and dreams and brings them to fruition. He was the One hovering over the waters when there was noting on the Earth. This same Holy Spirit was there, breathing life into the lifeless form that was humanity, making us living souls. He was the same One Who breathed power into the 120 on the day of Pentecost, creating the windstorm of anointing that shook the world, causing it to never be the same. Is there any doubt, then, that this same Holy Spirit is capable of looking at the total wretch that I am and, taking the precious blueprints for my life that were designed by the Master Architect, transforming me into the image of the Father on this earth? The Word reassures me that He has been "poured out on us in full measure" -- not halfway or sparingly. This is the truth of the matter. All that remains is my agreement to what the Holy Spirit has been sent to accomplish in my life. The Developer has His work cut out for Him. My house started out as a condemned facility-- not fit for ANYONE to dwell in. But by the time He's done, I'll be fit for the Father's purpose.

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