Let's GROW!!!

Saturday, June 9th> Ephesians 5: 1-10 In what ways do we experience milestones in our walk as we allow ourselves to discover God's will for our lives? Just as with natural development, a child of God is BOUND to grow if he or she follows the guidelines that guarantee growth. The more we commit ourselves to consuming the proper nourishment (the Word) and our supplements and vitamins (God's Presence and companionship), the more we will see milestones in our faith. We must keep our eyes on no-one else but Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We cannot afford to let anyone else be our Role Model, for no-one else became human and succeeded in living on this earth without sinning. We will gradually leave behind the childish games of living for self, gratifying only the flesh. As we focus only on pleasing our Father, the things of this world will begin to lose their grip on our hearts. And most of all, as we receive the reward of gaining even more closeness with the One with Whom we will spend eternity, we will begin to set spiritual goals rather than physical ones, and not allow the enemy of our souls to deter us. We CANNOT fail, because -- last time I checked-- the victory's already been won. Let's GROW!!!

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