Prune Away, Lord!

Friday, May 18th> Matthew 13: 1-9 What does the pruning of roots around a natural and spiritual house have to do with the success of that house?  Root pruning is the process of severing the roots of an established tree that is going to be dug up and transplanted.  It is also used to encourage flowering of a fruit tree or a vine that is slow to bloom.  It involves severing the roots immediately around the base of the tree or plant. What does this process have to do with the success of a house?  Pruning, if done properly, adds to the beauty and value of the house.  If not done correctly, the roots become overgrown and get into the sewage system, which interferes with the plumbing of the house.  Spiritual pruning is also necessary so that we can be released to start a new cycle of growth.  I can tell you this: it's NOT always easy to just succumb to the cutting, tugging and pulling that our trees must endure.  But oh, the rewards!  Not only will we spring forward, but we will contribute to the strength and life of others.

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