Danger... FIRE!

Saturday, May 19th> 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18; 2 Timothy 3: 1-9 In a natural inspection, all furnaces, boiler rooms, and electrical outlets of any kind must be kept free from combustible storage (anything that could catch fire and destroy this investment).  What "combustible storage" exists in the spirit realm that we must stay away from? Hmmm... Let me see...being in covenant with and taking advice from those who don't know Christ. Even those who "claim" to be saved but aren't showing any fruit that He dwells within. If we attach our lives to these things, we're in danger of attracting a fire to our lives that will be hard to put out. If you find it easy to compromise in a certain area when you're around certain people, your wires just might be in "combustible storage". We are called to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Christ. ANYONE who steers us in the opposite direction is on the list marked "Danger of Fire.". We must be willing to get rid of ANYTHING that will bog us down and blow up what GOD is building. I'd rather please HIM and have humans disappointed in me rather than the other way around. Wouldn't you?

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