Why Men Won't Weep

Monday, March 12th> 1 Samuel 30: 1-20

What is it about weeping that is considered weakness, especially among men-- even Christian men? Men don't like to seem vulnerable or appear feminine in any way. It's not a "masculine" thing to do. I've heard quite a few guys tell their sons what their fathers told them: real men don't cry. Yet in this passage, we see David and the people with him weeping openly over the injustice that has been done to them. How many times do men miss out on the healing God has provided by holding back their tears? And so they carry those open wounds around for most of their lives, resisting the very thing designed to bring them peace. Here's the real deal from my husband, one of the most "manly" men I know: real men don't ignore the opportunity to be moved by the Holy Spirit.

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