Ask the Lord of the Harvest!

Tuesday, March 20th> Ezekiel 13: 1-22

Why is it useless to come up with schemes to win souls for Christ? First and foremost, anything done for Christ WITHOUT Christ's heart and the heart of His Father in mind will not last. Surely we can't expect Him to bless our effort if we're only trying to win souls for selfish gain. As a matter of fact, today's passage reveals that it offends and infuriates God when we totally ignore Him, trying to use our own devices rather than truly allowing Him to draw others to Himself.

Our prayer today is that we ask for a clean heart, and search our motives for winning souls (not wanting to do it just to pack the pews in our sanctuaries, but to populate the kingdom of God). If this is our mindset, we'll be able to partner WITH God, and all of His resources-- which are limitless -- will be ours. But if we remain stubborn, woe unto us! Not only will our efforts fail, but He will expose us for the frauds we are, and everyone will see that we do not represent Him. Let's look within today and simply ask the Lord of the harvest to equip us for the work.

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